Organization is the key

More than 2000 years ago the firs atom theory see the light, a Greek teacher named Leucippus made an observation to this students he said, if you see the beach the sand look continues and smooth like the ocean, but if you see the sand closely the sand was made up of tiny, indivisible grains, in that time the big question was What is the world made of?.

Democritus one student of Leucippus made a theory, this theory is about the world is made up of by tiny particles he gave the name of Atomos to these particles, which in geek means “cannot be cut”.
The Greek philosopher Aristoteles create a Theory about the world was made by a combination of four elements Fire, Water, Air, Earth, he popularized this theory, he said everything in the world is a combination of these four elements but any element can be transformed or changed into another.
In 1969 the first scientific to discover an element by an accident was Henning Brand in the way to convert one element to other, he tried to combine several elements whit humans urine, and he discovered a substance who glows in the dark he was discover the Phosphorus which means “bringer of light” in Greek.
Scheele and Priestley about 100 years after Brand discovered Phosphorous they do experiments who helped to create the periodic table, they discovered a new kind of air who was capable to maintain a fire burning using only the new air, they was discover the Oxygen.

Antoine Lavoisier the father of the modern chemistry he listed 33 elements to the periodic table and he rediscover the Oxygen and it was given its name.

Humphry Davy the electricity was ne new discover in his time but he invented a new form of energy the portable energy or Batteries, he saw the potassium in a potato is a conductor and he invent a battery using a potato to generate energy because the potassium is a light metal.

The Russian scientific Dmitry Mendeleev he invented a card game called Patience looking a ways how to order all the elements in a perfect order he needed do that in same time he working explaining how make cheese because he was a cheese maker too, with the game Patience he played with cars with the name of the elements, one day when he traveled in a train he slept and when he awoke he puts the cards in an specific order like he saw in a dream and this is the origin of the order of the periodic table.    

Stone Age

The history talks about a girl who had the opportunity to do a very interesting time travel her name is Nina Nanosecond she is in sixth grade she has curly hair black hair she is interested in history, especially pre-history, in this reading she talks about Stone Age, Nina talks about a specific part of Stone Age who is called Old Stone Age that part of Stone Age take part in the Ice Age about 35,000 B.C in this age the earth was covered by ice the seas of the north was frozen and covered by glaciers not only the sea the glaciers cover the land too this fact allowed the people emigrates to one continent to other using the icy routes.

October 4, 2323.

The people who she saw in her travel used primitive tools to obtain food and making clothes, but they rarely stay only in one place, they travel looking for big animals for food, this people travel to find a little more warmer place, places near the equator are more warmer.
She saw many species of animal like reindeer, horses, mammoths and woolly rhinoceroses, these animals were fats to keep warm in a cold climate and traveled in large herds, people hunting these kinds of animals by living migratory lives following these animals.

October 5, 2323.

She traveled to the middle Stone Age, the glaciers start meltdown, the sea water start to become warmer and the level sea got higher, she saw several floral changes in the land, the growth of the trees was the beginning of a dramatic change in the floral life, the trees preceded the growth of the forest and the wood lands.

The changes in the landscape change the type of animals people hunted, she started to see small animals who emigrates in small groups this newer animals include wild pigs, elks and red deer. People began to train dogs, both as pets and as helpers in stalking and hunting animals, and the people who live near the ocean started to eat more fish, and the tools were more sophisticated in this age.      

October 6, 2323.

She traveled to the New Stone Age this era marked the finish of the Stone Age because the people started to make their tools out for metal, and the people finally became farmers the result was more reliable sources of food, and better, longer lives.

In the new Stone Age the people can moved farther to the north because was warmer, but these people continue hunting and gathering. Using the new climate the people started domesticating animals and that mark the way to the modern farmers, she was wonder with her travel and develop a tremendous respect for our ancestors because they learned how to adapt quickly to the different environments and how to change and manipulate the environment.       

An interview with the Grimm brothers

 the Grimm brothers

The brothers Grimm are famous for their collections of folktales and fairy tales, such as “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Sleeping Beauty” Imagine Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are alive today and they being interviewed on a TV show.

People around the country call to the TV show to made their own question that is a summary about this interview.

In that time the Grimm brother were writing a German dictionary they said they never think to do that kind of work, they left their jobs as professors at Gottingen University in 1837 because they were disagree with the king. They need find a new job quickly, so they write the German Dictionary.

The problem whit the king was the kings discard all the laws that protect people’s rights, and he ignored a petition protest.   

They took the work to write the German dictionary as a temporal job, only for earned money but that job was bigger than they thought; German is an extensive language and they need to include the meaning of each word and the source of each word, but the real problem was the dialects who people speak around Germany.  

The first call is from Sacramento California, Ryan a fourth-grade student and the question was about who the Grimm brother gets the ideas for their fairy tales, they answered to Ryan they said that stories have been hundreds of years. They have been handed down. For example a mother tells the story to her children, and the children tell it to their children, and so on, for example they spend a lot of time collecting folktales around Europe, and they rewrite those stories in their own style using their own ideas to represent right and wrong and about what’s good and what’s bad. 

Samantha from Miami made a question about “Little Red Riding Hood” how they got the idea or only dreamed up, because they said they collected folktales and fairy tales, she want to know about the difference between the two class of stories.

They answered that question explaining the differences about the two classes of stories, they said a folktale is a story take place in a specific area and the hero may be a real person or a historical figure, and the fairy tale take place in a fantasy world all characters and events come from imagination-just like dreams.

Vida form Portland Oregon want to know if they considered collect stories from Egypt or China.

They said they started collecting stories close to their home Germany. They looked for stories from other part of Europe too, that was a big job! When they finish the dictionary, perhaps look fir stories outside Europe.

  “Little Red Riding Hood”

“Sleeping Beauty”

Second Reading "Today I am American".

Many persons born in the United States they are citizens of that country, nothing is required for citizens, they are not obligated to do texts or fill a form because they born in USA, but What about their relatives? What about their neighbors and friends? Many of them came to USA to other countries, and they need to apply to be an American citizen, they became petitioners, they need to learn all about the United States, history, language, culture every little detail about USA, they need to live at least five years in USA, fill and application form, and take an interview by an examiner, and need to take several test and fill all formal form to apply.

When a person is accepted like United States citizen in a court the new citizen does a promise to be loyal to the United States, and receive a certificate of citizenship, next to the new citizen can say today I am American, and it’s a special day in their family circle.
United States are filling by people for other land. All of they, except perhaps Native Americans, How do we know this Scientifics discover that thousands years ago, a bridge of land connected Russia and Alaska. The families of Native Americans may cross to America using that bridge.

Over the years, millions of people around the world have dreamed to come to America. They using many ways to take this trip sometimes are dangerous and they risk their life only for have a different one, and have better opportunities for work.

All of these people leave behind their families and belongings, because they want find better thinks and opportunities.
During 1800s and the early 1900s, a huge wave of people arrived in the United States. Between 1892 and 1920, about 23 million people from Europe landed in New York at Ellis Island and they became the process of being admitted in USA, many of these people didn’t speak English in those days and lost their names because they don’t understand or say other thing when the authorities ask for their names and last names.

Many people go to USA to start a new life, they need to apply for permissions to stay in USA, but the American dream it is alive and any person to go to USA want to say some day, today I am American. 

Gangs In El Salvador

Gangs are a big problem in El Salvador, term gangs born in the United States in the state of Los Angeles during the civil war in El Salvador on 80’s many people migrated to USA wanted to scape to the civil war in our country this factor is the trigger for the birth of two violent gangs the MS-13 and the gang of Barrio 18, over the years after this culture is adopted in El Salvador, whit deportations of members of that two gangs.

El Salvador a little country with many social problems is the most dangerous country in America Central several people are victims of that problem the most common crimes of that two gangs in El Salvador are the telephone extortions called Renta, kidnapping, criminal harassment, and many other street crimes.

Government with the help of the police and army fight against the crime in El Salvador, governments like the United States support to El Salvador in the fight for dissolve this criminal’s gangs or maras.

Problems like that, are a problem of every day, us like Salvadorians needs to collaborated together for change our country, and try to be better persons for eradicate that social problems in our beautiful El Salvador.

First Reading "Days of the Exodusters"

Original PDF

Summary “Days of the Exodusters”

In the year 1879 a fever invaded the land, not it’s a typical fever that makes you feel bad, this fever was a dream that spread around the persons, persons who want to have a freedom life, and the opportunity to was their own bosses, farming new lands.
The Africans Americans big families an friend where on move, the fever was taking effect in many persons around the country, and the journey it’s no longer a dream, a place called Kansas is the target of this journey.
In the Exodus in days of old, a man named Moses led his folk to the fertile land, a better life.
African American, traveled to Kansas under the promise to obtain fertile lands, this was their dream.
The civil war had freedom at last, after years of shackles and service, these persons deserved a new start in their lives.
The U.S. government offered some land on the wide open plains for African American, that was the opportunity to be free and work for their owns.
They need to live in these years almost five years and they need to pay a fee for five-dollar.
There was five years of hard toil, but that it’s not new for African Americans, but be the owner of their land is the dream comes true.
Many people came by wagon, some came on foot, and some came by steamboat, some by rail.
These people are the new African American pioneers was about to tame the wild frontier.
The fever was named “The Kansas fever Exodus” and as Exoduster flocked to the Promised Land, Kansas provided many possibilities for building a life in a western state, for work in the towns or homestead out on the open plans.
In western Kansas the Exodusters found parcel of land for placing their claims, now the new strugglers were about to begin, but the new pioneers learned how to live in harmony and made Kansas into their new home.
Build houses was the first task but the wood was very scarce, but they decided build with brick of sod, “sodies” was the name of their homes.
Some days on the plains were really fine, when all of life was in harmony, but then came the times of drought, of flood, of blizzards, and sweeping prairie fires.
And worse of all, perhaps, were the plagues of grasshoppers eating up the plain.
In the towns were general stores and such, where pioneers could stock up on supplies. Some exodusters chose to move on. Some even returned to the south they knew, of all the towns these pioneers built, only Nicodemus remains today.
On Nicodemus the people stayed, worked hard, and prospered at times.
Farther returns from work and children return from school as mother prepares a meal made from the fruits of their harvest.
The taste of freedom is ever so sweet.
This fever that had brought them west was fever that healed a broken people. Of a dream has led the way to a new life, of the free smile of a man who owns land back in the days of the exodusters.

Sod Homes: