Second Reading "Today I am American".

Many persons born in the United States they are citizens of that country, nothing is required for citizens, they are not obligated to do texts or fill a form because they born in USA, but What about their relatives? What about their neighbors and friends? Many of them came to USA to other countries, and they need to apply to be an American citizen, they became petitioners, they need to learn all about the United States, history, language, culture every little detail about USA, they need to live at least five years in USA, fill and application form, and take an interview by an examiner, and need to take several test and fill all formal form to apply.

When a person is accepted like United States citizen in a court the new citizen does a promise to be loyal to the United States, and receive a certificate of citizenship, next to the new citizen can say today I am American, and it’s a special day in their family circle.
United States are filling by people for other land. All of they, except perhaps Native Americans, How do we know this Scientifics discover that thousands years ago, a bridge of land connected Russia and Alaska. The families of Native Americans may cross to America using that bridge.

Over the years, millions of people around the world have dreamed to come to America. They using many ways to take this trip sometimes are dangerous and they risk their life only for have a different one, and have better opportunities for work.

All of these people leave behind their families and belongings, because they want find better thinks and opportunities.
During 1800s and the early 1900s, a huge wave of people arrived in the United States. Between 1892 and 1920, about 23 million people from Europe landed in New York at Ellis Island and they became the process of being admitted in USA, many of these people didn’t speak English in those days and lost their names because they don’t understand or say other thing when the authorities ask for their names and last names.

Many people go to USA to start a new life, they need to apply for permissions to stay in USA, but the American dream it is alive and any person to go to USA want to say some day, today I am American. 

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