Organization is the key

More than 2000 years ago the firs atom theory see the light, a Greek teacher named Leucippus made an observation to this students he said, if you see the beach the sand look continues and smooth like the ocean, but if you see the sand closely the sand was made up of tiny, indivisible grains, in that time the big question was What is the world made of?.

Democritus one student of Leucippus made a theory, this theory is about the world is made up of by tiny particles he gave the name of Atomos to these particles, which in geek means “cannot be cut”.
The Greek philosopher Aristoteles create a Theory about the world was made by a combination of four elements Fire, Water, Air, Earth, he popularized this theory, he said everything in the world is a combination of these four elements but any element can be transformed or changed into another.
In 1969 the first scientific to discover an element by an accident was Henning Brand in the way to convert one element to other, he tried to combine several elements whit humans urine, and he discovered a substance who glows in the dark he was discover the Phosphorus which means “bringer of light” in Greek.
Scheele and Priestley about 100 years after Brand discovered Phosphorous they do experiments who helped to create the periodic table, they discovered a new kind of air who was capable to maintain a fire burning using only the new air, they was discover the Oxygen.

Antoine Lavoisier the father of the modern chemistry he listed 33 elements to the periodic table and he rediscover the Oxygen and it was given its name.

Humphry Davy the electricity was ne new discover in his time but he invented a new form of energy the portable energy or Batteries, he saw the potassium in a potato is a conductor and he invent a battery using a potato to generate energy because the potassium is a light metal.

The Russian scientific Dmitry Mendeleev he invented a card game called Patience looking a ways how to order all the elements in a perfect order he needed do that in same time he working explaining how make cheese because he was a cheese maker too, with the game Patience he played with cars with the name of the elements, one day when he traveled in a train he slept and when he awoke he puts the cards in an specific order like he saw in a dream and this is the origin of the order of the periodic table.    

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